Customizing Toolbars
Most of the
basic configurations I made were derived from toying around HTML Kit's Preferences dialog and saying, Okay I want stuff to look like this and I want this function to do that. This was largely based on my web authoring experience and what I had come to expect on a fundamental level from a HTML editor.
Along with a few personal preferences, the main ideas behind my basic configurations were maximizing editing space and clearing aside any unnecessary bells and whistles. After this I took HTML Kit for a test drive by simply attempting to make a few web pages with it. It quickly dawned on me —because of HTML Kit's highly configurable nature— that the operative word now was SPEED. There were a number of tasks that I frequently performed during my web page authoring sessions and assigning each of these tasks a special button and then prioritizing it somewhere on my HTML Kit dashboard was the new order of the day. I then realized that for the first little while I would probably be spending alot of time customizing and hence one of the first things I wanted to do was create a special toolbar devoted to configuration. In effect, I wanted to customize the customizing.
I should mention once again that this is not really a help file but rather a
configuration plan. This is simply the way I saw fit to make things happen in HTML Kit and by now you have probably realized that there are eleventy billion ways to do this. So you can either follow this plan closely or use it as a springboard to create your own plan.
For your convenience, here is...
A List of all My Toolbars Configurations
If you would like to see details about why I did what, just click on the buttons marked
More Information Please...
Alright then let's do it to it...
Removing buttons from the Toolbars

I knew I was going to go a little ga-ga creating new toolbars and toolbar buttons so I decided to do away with every toolbar button that I did not frequently use in order to make space. All these buttons can be found on the
Main Menu anyways so it's not like I'm making them completely inaccessible. Rather, I'm just resetting the priorities.
In my books, the following simply do not represent priorities and in my humble opinion are not worthy of taking up coveted space in the Toolbars section:
- Open URL button

- If I want to open an online web page, I'll just use 'Edit with HTML Kit' in the IE drop-down File menu.
- Print file button

- On the rare occasion that I actually want to print one of my HTML documents, I can always use File » Print. I don't need a toolbar button for this.
- Select button

- Nice features but I've become so accustomed to the click-and-drag method of selecting text that I'm not sure it would represent a time-saver to acclimatize myself to these options. About the only one that really caught my eye was 'Select content between tags' and this is already defined as a keyboard shortcut by default (Shift + Ctrl + T).
- Preferences button

- I'm not really deleting this button altogether but rather just moving it over to a new custom-made toolbar called 'Control Panel'.
(Click to close)
(The following will remove the
Open URL button and the
Print button from the File toolbar and the
Select button and the
Preferences button from the Edit toolbar.)
Click on
Right click on the Open URL button

in the Toolbars section
Click on
Right click on the Print button

in the Toolbars section
Click on
Right click on the Select button

in the Toolbars section
Click on
Right click on the Preferences button

in the Toolbars section
Click on
Close on the
Customize dialog.
This will put a space between the File toolbar and the Edit toolbar. You can just click and hold on the double vertical line on the left side of the Edit toolbar and slide it over flush against the File toolbar.
Made a mistake or changed your mind about what to do?
Want to go back to the default Toolbars configuration?
Click on
Tools » Customize » Reset Toolbars
^ Back to list ^
Creating a new toolbar
I found that I was constantly searching around for the Customize button (I know... it's right there-
Tools » Customize... What can I say? I guess I had some kind of mental block about remembering this... heh...) Also I didn't like the Preferences button on the Edit toolbar.
the Task Bar icons that I deleted earlier had functions that I still wanted readily accessible, i.e. toggle on and off the Actions Bar, Messages Window or Workspace. The only reason I elected not to display them in the Task Bar was because they were much too tiny to allow for easy identification.
Hence I came up with the idea to create a custom-made toolbar called 'Control Panel' and put all this stuff there. Then I would have quick and easy access to all the buttons associated with configuring HTML Kit and they would all be located in the same area of the HTML Kit dashboard.
(Click to close)
Click on
Click on
In the
Toolbar name: box, delete "Custom 1" and type in "Control Panel" (without the quotation marks)
Click OK to create.
Your new "Control Panel" toolbar will appear in its infant state as a little box right next to the Customize dialog. It will look like this:
Click and hold anywhere on it (except on the 'x') and then drag it up top to dock it beside the other toolbars.
I suggest you keep the Customize dialog open and move right on to
the next step...
^ Back to list ^
Adding new buttons to Toolbars

I pretty much explained the whys and wherefores about the buttons being added to the new custom Control Panel toolbar in
Creating a new toolbar.
But why stop there?
Since all the default HTML Kit toolbars can also take on new buttons then I figured they could use a couple of new additions as well.
I definitely considered the Insert button on the File drop-down menu a high priority since this would allow me to quickly insert templates into a blank document or insert frequently used snippets of code (which is the next best thing to creating plugins).
I also wanted a Save All button since I often work with multiple documents open and I'm usually dashing back and forth all over the place making a touch-up here and doing a little spit-shine there. Save All, as the name clearly implies, saves all open documents to disk in one fell swoop. Definitely a high priority.
To save a snippet of code, e.g. a frequently used hyperlink anchor or table configuration, select the code in the Editing Window and then click on
File » Save Selection » Save Selection As Snippet.... Type the name of the snippet (whatever you like) in the Title box and then click OK (See
Saving Templates for more information)
(Click to close)
Assuming that you still have the Customize dialog open from the
previous step...
Click on the
Commands tab
Click on
Then click on the
Commands tab
In the
Categories: box, "File" should be selected by default. If not, click to select it.
In the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "Insert".
Click and hold on "Insert" and drag it clean off the Customize dialog and hover it over the File toolbar. You'll see a little vertical black line on the File toolbar indicating where it will be placed when you drop it in.
Line it up just to the right of the 'Create a new file' icon

and release your mouse button to drop it in.
Return to the
Commands: box on the Customize dialog and scroll down to locate "Save All". Do the same thing as you did with the "Insert" button, i.e. drag and drop it onto the File toolbar.
Your new File toolbar should now look like this:
Alright now, let's populate our
custom-made Control Panel toolbar with some buttons...
Return to the Customize dialog (in case you closed it, right click on any Toolbars button and click on 'Customize')
On the Commands tab in the
Categories: box, click to select "Edit"
Next to this, in the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "
Preferences List".
Drag and drop "Preferences List" onto the newly created Control Panel toolbar
In the
Categories: box, click to select "Tools"
In the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "
Drag and drop "Customize" onto the newly created Control Panel toolbar
In the
Categories: box, click to select "View"
In the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "
Actions Bar"
Drag and drop "Actions Bar" onto the newly created Control Panel toolbar
In the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "
Show Tabs Bar"
Drag and drop "Show Tabs Bar" onto the newly created Control Panel toolbar
In the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "
Drag and drop "Messages" onto the newly created Control Panel toolbar
In the
Commands: box, scroll down to locate "
Drag and drop "Workspace" onto the newly created Control Panel toolbar
Note that while keeping the Customize dialog open, you can rearrange the order of the icons on toolbars by dragging and dropping the button left or right on the respective toolbar. I prefer to order the Control Panel toolbar icons like this from left to right:
Preferences, Customize, Actions Bar, Show Tabs, Messages, Workspace
Once you have finished adding all the new buttons, close the Customize dialog.
Your new Control Panel toolbar should look something like this:
Now then to summarize what we just created...
If you click on the Preferences icon

, you access the Preferences dialog. If you click on the little arrow beside the Preferences icon, you get a drop-down list of customizing options. If you click on the Customize button, you get a drop-down list of even more customizing and resetting options (a couple of which are repeated on the Preferences list but hey, nobody's perfect...) So with these two buttons and the component toggle buttons on the right (Actions Bar, Show Tabs, Messages, Workspace) you are now loaded for bear with a
TON of HTML Kit configuration possibilities and they're all conveniently placed on one toolbar ready for quick and easy access.
Click on
View » Toolbars » Control Panel
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Displaying text instead of icons on Toolbars
Sometimes a whole bevy of icons can have a real mind boggling effect and can stunt the creativity as you struggle to remember what each cute little picture is supposed to represent. Instead of having a whole string of icons, I prefer to interject a few text buttons now and then to break things up and help jog the memory. For this reason, I chose to display the Preferences button as text only. I know this is squandering precious space in the Toolbars section but I don't readily associate that little hand-and-paper icon with Preferences.
(Click to close)
Click on
Right click on the Preferences button

in the
Control Panel toolbar
Click on
Text Only (Always)
You will now have just a text button saying "Preferences List" (don't close the Customize dialog just yet...)
Right click on the "Preferences List" text button.
In the
Name: box, delete "Preferences List" and type in "Preferences".
Press Enter on your keyboard to apply the name change.
Close the Customize dialog.
Your new Control Panel toolbar should now look like this:
(NOTE: For some reason, HTML Kit won't permit you to display the Customize button as text only otherwise I would have done this too.)
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Inserting dividers between Toolbars buttons
Alright. Alright. Guilty as charged. This is purely for aesthetic reasons. But hey... They give you the option. Why not use it? Let's make sumpin' purty just for the heck of it...
Note: This is typically used to denote a group of buttons. Thus the idea is to place a divider at the beginning of a group and then place another divider at the beginning of the next group. In this capacity the divider has a more practical purpose. However I liked to use this option to draw lines between individual buttons just for... well... like I said... *ahem*... Purely aesthetic.
(Click to close)
Click on
Right click on the Customize button

Click on
Begin Group
Right click on the Actions Bar button

Click on
Begin Group
Close the Customize dialog.
Your new Control Panel toolbar should now look like this:
^ Back to list ^
Fun eh?
So what about that ole'
Actions Bar? It's been sitting there in the wings throughout this tutorial looking all big and bad and sophisticated as if to say, Nyaah, nah, nah-nah, nahh! You can't touch this!
Well I've got news for you, friend...